Future Of Fitness Coaching Course.
Lesson 1: Introduction
In this course Dr. John Berardi will share some key lessons — and a host of essential resources — to help you understand how new coaching paradigms, curriculum ideas, and technologies are going to disrupt the field and leave a lot of people behind.
Even better, I’ll show you how this will create a massive opportunity for the health, fitness, and wellness professionals that are prepared for the coming changes.
In the first video, you’ll learn:
More about my experience in health and fitness coaching.
The central problem most health and fitness coaches get stuck on.
Some key questions coaches can ask to get unstuck.
How I answered those questions to build a multi-million dollar business.
How you can use my experience to grow your own business.
Lesson 2: Curriculum
Tools that build skills and boost a client’s ability to change.
Today we’ll look at the first pillar in the Precision Nutrition coaching model, new curriculum ideas (based on how people actually change). As you watch the video, and dig into the free resources below, think about how you could begin building your own practice-based curriculum for all the things you teach.
Of course, if you coach nutrition, you can borrow from our practices, habits, and progressions. (Again, outlined in the video and in the PDFs below).
However, make no mistake, this method isn’t just for nutrition coaching. It can, probably should, be used to teach anything, as it’s been proven to sustainably build skills and reliably lead to long-term change.
1. The PN Method revealed (PDF)
Ever seen someone change their life? Dramatic weight loss, muscle gain, or any other impressive transformation can seem like magic. But there’s a science to it, the science of skill development. This infographic outlines the no-longer-secret formula for helping people attain their goals, and sustain results.
2. From goal to action. [Worksheet] (PDF)
Want to try out the PN process for building skills? Take a look at this worksheet. It’ll help you break down any goal into a series of skills to develop, and any skill into a series of practices to work on. The result is your new coaching curriculum.
3. Looking back, looking ahead. [Worksheet] (PDF)
How do you evaluate progress in a positive and proactive way? First you need to look back. See where you started. Notice the strides you’ve taken. Use distance you’ve already traveled as your true measure of progress. Then you need to look ahead. Think about where you’re going and plot out your next moves to ensure success. Take a look at the worksheet above to see how this process can work for you and your clients.
Lesson 3: Coaching
New Coaching Paradigms:
The death of “expert coach” and the rise of the client.
Today we’ll look at the second pillar in the PrPN coaching model, new coaching paradigms (which are client-centered). As you watch the video, and dig into the free resources below, think about how you were taught to orient as a coach. Think about what you’ve come to believe about your (and your clients’) roles.
Are you more client-centered? Or more coach-centered?
Are you focused on awesomeness-based coaching? Or awfulness-based?
Either answer is fine as long as you look for growth opportunities and commit to leveling up your coaching practice. After all, it’s called “practice” for a reason… because, as a coach, you’re always just practicing… you’re never “finished” in your growth and development.
1. 4 huge mistakes that health and fitness coaches make every day. (PDF)
Over the years, nearly every health and fitness coach has made most of the same four coaching mistakes with their clients and patients. In this PDF I’ll share what they are, show you how you can avoid them, and teach you how to stand out from your competition.
2. Three easy-to-use coaching tools. (PDF)
They include:
The 5 most powerful words in coaching,
The 2 most powerful words in coaching,
Outcome-based decision making.
Even if you don’t have a lot of coaching knowledge yet, you can transform yourself into a brilliant coach with these three simple tricks.
3. How to talk to people so they’re more likely to change. (PDF)
To get great results with the people who turn to you for advice, it’s important to learn how to talk to them in a way that increases their likelihood of change. Master the contents of this PDF and you’ll become a legit client whisperer.
Lesson 4: Technology
New Technology:
Coaching tools for automation, reliability, scale.
Today we’ll look at the final pillar in the PN coaching model, new technologies (that help with automation and scale).
As you watch the video, and dig into the free resources below, think about your coaching model.
Have you automated certain tasks so they’re done reliably and in a way that scales? In other words, are you able to deliver the same high-quality coaching experience to every client regardless of what else is going on… in your life or your client’s?
Are you able to coach 5 clients, 50 clients, or 500 clients? And, does going from 5 clients to 500 require very little additional effort?
Are you able to deliver habits, lessons, assignments, and accountability on time and on track, no matter what else you’re doing? Whether we’re sleeping, busy, out of town, in bed with the flu, stuck in traffic or on a plane somewhere above the Pacific ocean?
If you’re not quite there yet, think about what tools you can use to free up more valuable time to do what coaches do best… give support, provide accountability, and create strong relationships.
You don’t have to automate everything right away. But, if you’re not moving in this direction, you’ll eventually get left in the dust.
1. How Precision Nutrition coaches (and how you can coach this way too). (PDF)
Here’s an inside look at how PN coaches clients, including our client-centric philosophy, habit-based methodology, and full client curriculum. We’ll even pull back the curtain on ProCoach, the program that’s allowing health and fitness pros around the world to coach the way we do.
2. Here’s how to build a track record (and demonstrate your excellence). (PDF)
There’s only one foolproof way to convince clients and patients you know what you’re talking about: Provide overwhelming evidence that you’ve helped others - just like them - accomplish the same goals they want to achieve. In this PDF I’ll show you how to do just that: Build a track record and demonstrate excellence in your own practice. I’ll also share one of the tools that’s helped PN build our own remarkable track record.
3. How top-earning health and fitness coaches save time, get better results, and work + live on their own terms. (PDF)
Everyone who works in health, fitness, or wellness hits the same wall: Time. Specifically, they run out of it. And learn there aren’t enough hours to coach clients and patients, manage their businesses, and keep an eye on growth.
How do top professionals save time, increase their effectiveness, and work on their own terms? With very specific strategies. In this article, I’ll cover those strategies. I’ll also share the training and tools that are helping thousands of pros level up their time management and work flexibility.
4. Coaching Online: 5 steps to helping more people, getting better results, and living + working on your own terms. (PDF)
Most people working in health and fitness want to take on more clients while still delivering amazing results — without having to work 100-hour weeks or being a slave to their clients’ schedules. Could coaching online be the answer? Here are the pros, the caveats, and - most importantly - 5 steps to creating a successful online coaching business.